For: Puch · Sachs


Set speedometer drive spoke rim chrome | EBR hydraulic

EUR 51,20

Incl. 20% VAT.

Tacho drive including two spacers suitable for the chrome-plated CNC disc brake hub from swiing. The set is mounted on your moped / moped in combination with the hydraulic disc brake system for EBR forks.

The smaller spacer with a length of 12 mm is mounted on the inside of the speedometer spiral.
The larger spacer with a length of 12.5 mm is mounted on the outside of the speedometer drive.

For a closer look, the individual parts are listed in the accessories section.

The set includes the following fixed parts:

swiing® ingenious spacer sleeve set speedometer drive spoke rim EBR hydraulic chrome

For: Puch · Sachs

swiing® ingenious spacer sleeve set speedometer drive spoke rim EBR hydraulic chrome


Manufacturer: swiing® ingenious parts


ManufacturerTransval, swiing
Colorgray, Chrome, black
Place of useWheel
Ø axle11 mm
Wheel size [inch]17 "
Speedometer recordingBracket (for bending)

Suitable for the following models


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